• CBS466164
  • Corkscrews on Thin Black - Oceanside 96 Dichroic

  • £20.58 inc. VAT

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Corkscrews on Thin Black - Oceanside 96 Dichroic

CBS Dichroic on Oceanside 96 2mm glass (COE 96) - Corkscrews On Thin Black. Corkscrew dichroic glass gives a new twist to your warm glass projects. Only from CBS Dichroics, the tight dichroic corkscrew pattern results in an intense colour palette, perfect for creating a focal point to your glass art projects and jewellery.

The main characteristic of Dichroic Glass is that it has a transmitted colour and a completely different reflective colour. Furthermore, these two colours shift depending on the angle of view. With the play of light together with its vibrant colour, Dichroic Glass is an amazing material that adds colour and intrigue to art glass - it will add a new dimension to your next visual art project.

The photo is a general representation of glass colours. Colours may vary.

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